F&F | Trivium of Time, S1 Ep 18 - ... But a Boat

The Party makes it to Phocelles, one of two northern most major city-states of Arcadia. Upon reaching their destination, they find Evan's brother, Leeland! However, it seems Leeland is having an issue. He was sent to Phocelles to acquire a unique flower that only grows across the lake but the residents are all paranoid or insane, and there seems to not be any boats! Except... for one...


Dungeon Master | K.B. Gunther
Vimak Badger | Aaron Saltzman
Ronpip Thimble | Alex Schlehuber
Antileon Faraday | Manuel Samson

- Recorded on 8-27-20

This episode was recorded following Covid-19 safe guidelines.

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