F&F | Trivium of Time, S1 Ep 03 - Names & Consequences

The party takes a short break after the choices they made in the previous session, killing two murderers, has taken its moral toll on everyone in the group. While each member is helping around the town to relieve them of their heavy emotions, Yohan has requested that the party goes in his stead to officiate the town by naming and taking the founding papers to Massarnae and add it to the potential trade route. The trip to Massarnae is a short one but, much more happens than they anticipate in the town they had left only a few weeks ago...


Dungeon Master | K.B. Gunther
Vimak Badger | Aaron Saltzman
Ronpip Thimble | Alex Schlehuber
Evan Essence | Manuel Samson

- Recorded on 3-18-19

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