F&F | Cataclysm Rising, S2 Ep 24 - Land Ho!

After dealing with spooky seas and peculiar islands, the party finally arrives in Adele Palm at the port city of Fort Konrad. It is here they take a much needed break taking in the sights, exploring the city and making travel plans now that they have an idea of where to go. The only matter now is, where to?


Dungeon Master | Manuel Samson
Bor Lazarvosk | Alex Schlehuber
Ne'Velle Barkton | Aaron Saltzman
Sylack | K.B. Gunther
Athelas | Sage M.
Loady-11 | Jacob Schlehuber

- Recorded on 4-9-21

This episode was recorded following Covid-19 safe guidelines.

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